how to clean your invisalign aligners properly (low cost version)

You’ve gone ahead with the Invisalign treatment. Now all you need to do is discover exactly how to clean your Invisalign aligners properly, at a low cost. Read on to discover the low-cost methods to keeping your aligners in tip-top condition.

dentistry blog, invisalign, invisalign in slough, How To Clean Your Invisalign Aligners
How To Clean Your Invisalign Aligners

Making sure your aligners are squeaky clean will ensure the best experience possible while you’re conducting the treatment. There are many solutions out there to clean your aligners, and you most likely want a low-cost version.

 Which is what I will be showing you today – more on this later. Firstly, I want to address some methods you MUST avoid, because they can be catastrophic.

what methods should you avoid?

You’ll see A LOT of posts saying to use ‘dish soap’, which is true – but be careful. There’s something you should be aware of (especially if you’re a little impulsive). DON’T use soap that contains ANY colour dye. That means fairy liquid – or again, any other soap with dye in it. Why? You’ll end up staining your aligners, and people will wonder what’s happened to your teeth. Not only that, but you’ll have to come back into the clinic and get a new set made. Also, AVOID using these products:

how to clean your invisalign aligners (best methods)

Now you know what NOT to do. Let’s begin by giving you some low-cost methods to keep your aligners in tip-top condition. The best method is to simply use a separate toothbrush with CLEAR dish soap to prevent staining. Stay well clear of hot water, as this can damage your aligners, resulting in a treatment setback & also a potential extra payment for the damages.

Furthermore, whenever you take your aligners out, make sure you rinse them thoroughly, as this will prevent staining and bad smells. So… Now you know HOW to clean your aligners properly, at almost no cost.

